What is your name? Eduardo Kasahara
Where do you live? Paris – France
What do you do for a living? I work as a strategy and marketing director in the service industry, not directly related to the chocolate world
Where people can reach you or follow your work:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chocoindex/
How did you decide to become chocolate taster?
I believe it was not a decision taken in a specific time, but rather a progression of my interest in chocolate and trying to get a answer to the question “what is a good chocolate”?
What draws you to work with chocolate?
I currently do not work directly with chocolate, but my interest in chocolate has been developed from just liking it at the beginning and then trying to get a deeper understanding on how it is produced
What themes do you pursue in your work as chocolate taster?
Chocolate origins, chocolate makers, which ingredients are used and how it impacts on the final product
What are your biggest challenges regarding being chocolate taster?
Taking off your hat of the ordinary chocolate lover and bringing in the chocolate taster one, leaving your personal preferences aside and minimizing all potential bias when tasting chocolate
What do you love the most about being chocolate taster?
Having the opportunity to taste different types of chocolate and new combination of flavors, ingredients and expanding the knowledge on it
What is the one thing you want people to learn and remember about chocolate?

Good chocolate, like any product, requires good ingredients and the right processes. It would be great if people would have a better understanding on how craft chocolate is made, how it differs from mass / industrial chocolate and what are the implications, so we can eat better chocolate.
How does chocolate tasting play a role in your daily life?
For me, chocolate tasting is my little escape. In the evenings, I chill out and focus on tasting different chocolates—it’s my way to unwind after a long day. Then I get to share the experience with my family. It’s fun to chat with my kids about what they like and help them find their own favorite flavors. Plus, I love having friends and coworkers over to taste chocolate together. I get to share what I know and show them that there’s so much more out there than mass production chocolate.
How does your profession in marketing influence your chocolate tasting experience?
As a marketing professional, I really enjoy observing how craft chocolate brands communicate and position themselves in the market. It’s fascinating to see the different positioning across the spectrum. For example, it is interesting to see how Parisian Plaq Chocolat uses some of the codes from the luxury market to position its chocolate as a premium product, skillfully aligning its design, raw materials and in-store location and experience. On the other hand, there is Alléno et Rivoire, started by a 3-star Michelin chef and his pastry chef, who approach chocolate as if it were a 3-star dessert, emphasizing their techniques and combination of flavors. Since I was born in Brazil, I like to learn about cacao and chocolate production there and follow local brands as they navigate the unique challenges they face in developing their market. There is the Brazilian brand Dengo, which has developed an interesting positioning, putting forward the partnership with the cacao producers and opting for a more mass market positioning. This decision is influenced by the specific characteristics of the Brazilian market and consumer habits.

How long have you been an IICCT member?
I think 3-4 years now, as I have taken my first course on late 2020
What do you like the best about IICCT Alumni group?
I like the diversity of experience and profiles and the sharing of knowledge across the community
What would be your advice for new chocolate tasters?
Don’t overthink when tasting chocolate…..first impression is often the right one
Given that you reside in Paris, how frequently do you get the opportunity to connect with other IICCT members?
There are only a few of us in the area, and we aim to meet up every few months. Our gatherings are often enhanced by visits from colleagues from other countries who happen to be in Paris. We also take full advantage of the Salon du Chocolat in November, when chocolate tasters from around the globe converge in the city.
What was the latest chocolate you tasted that really delighted you?
A bar from Plaq made with Tanzania cocoa beans filled with almond and sweet clove (Mélilot) praliné, that delivers a low sweetness and light vanilla and tonka flavors to the praline
Is there some small, still not globally known chocolate-maker you would like more people to know about?
La Brigaderie de Paris, based in the Southwest Paris region, who has some great bars!
What is your favorite cacao origin?
As a Brazilian, a bit biased…..Brazil!

What is your favorite chocolate or cacao related quote?
“Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.” – Tom Hanks in Forrest Gump